Blackcrow.io provides specialized engineering services for ITS technology projects:
Technical Consulting
Hourly support for high value project activities including design, implementation, system integration, process automation, data analytics, operation, and testing.
Product Design and Development
Design and develop products or services to support client needs. These can include ETL scripts, reporting and analytics, test applications/jigs/physical assemblies, proof of concept implementations, or complete production value-add products and services.
As the principal consultant and owner of blackcrow.io, Mr Waas contributes a unique range of industry experience:​
Account Based Fare Collection
Transit agency technical lead for the design and implementation of one of the first major real-time account based electronic fare collection systems in the USA (Hop Fastpass) supporting TriMet, C-TRAN, and Streetcar transit agencies in Portland OR and Vancouver WA.
Transit Cards in Google Pay
Transit agency technical lead for the design and implementation of the first Google Pay contactless account-based transit card in the USA (Hop Fastpass).
Transit Cards in Apple Pay
Transit agency technical design lead (and subsequent consulting implementation lead) for the first Apple Pay contactless account-based transit card in the USA - consulting under Clevor Consulting Group (Hop Fastpass).
Land Mobile Radio Systems
Software development and project engineering roles leading design, implementation, and support of critical two-way radio communication projects with Tait Communications in New Zealand and America.